
No.014 Poser Tutorial - Convenient Technique

method to apply IK partially, and symmetry function arm and leg.

apply IK partially
1, turn on IK, top menu [Figure]Use Inverse Kinematics->RightFoot
2, select Right Foot(frame) which want to apply IK.
3, push button Spline or Linear Section, make key to Right Foot.
4, repeat it to frame which want to apply IK.
5, turn off IK (Right Foot) and create key automatically to Thigh/Shin
6, if foot rotation is wrong, delete wrong key(Right Foot)

symmetry function can copy parameter right to left, left to right. arm, leg, body.. select frame which you want to apply. top menu [Figure] Symmetry. turn off IK, position is symmetric when turn on IK.

use IK + symmetry function, right hand to left hand. put waist same position.
1, create original pose to frame-2 and turn on IK (Right Hand)
2, select frame-20, edit Abdomen & Chest rotation-XYZ value change to zero.
3, turn off IK (Right Hand)
4, top menu [Figure] Symmetry->Right Arm to Left Arm
5, turn on IK (Left Hand)
6, work frame, delete key except Left Collar/Shoulder/Forearm/Hand.
7, move key frame(Left Arm) to frame-2.

use IK + symmetry function, put hand to waist and apply it to all frames.

8, create any animation in 100 frames.
9, change total frames x 3, Frame : [0] of [300]
10, frame-105, make pose that put right hand to waist.
copy pose from other files and can paste it. (Ctrl+C), (Ctrl+V)
11, turn on IK (Right Hand)
12, select range, Abdomen & Chest(frame-2 to 100)+(Ctrl+C)
13, select Abdomen & Chest in frame-105, and paste data (Ctrl+V)
14, use resample, every [1] frames, Frame Range [105] to [203]
top menu [Animation] Resample Key Frames..
15, turn off IK (Right Hand)
16, select Right Collar/Shoulder/Forearm/Hand(frame-105 to 203)
17, drag selected range and move to frame-2 (frame-2 to 100)
18, delete work space after frame-100, Frame : [0] of [100]


No.013 Poser Tutorial - Loop Animation

How to make loop animation and perfect loop.

1, let make two poses and that change repeat.
2, make first pose in frame-2, select all joints + (Spline Section)
3, frame-2 copy & paste to frame-3 (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V)
4, frame-2 select all joints + (Linear Section)
5, make second pose in frame-20, select all joints + (Linear Section)
6, frame-50 select all joints + (Spline Section), and make key frame.
7, frame-3 copy & paste to frame-70 and 90, same frames.
8, frame-70 select all joints + (Linear Section)
9, change fps and total frames, Rate [3], Frame: [0] of [90]

export BVH this and upload to secondlife. checked Loop, LoopIn 0%, LoopOut 100%, EaseIn/EaseOut 0.5sec, others are default. start animation.. EaseIn 0.5sec change(start) animation is smooth. changing pose, first pose to next pose. when came to frame-20, you see second pose and that posing to frame-50. changing first pose frame-50 to frame-70 and posing to frame-90.. go to frame-2 and repeat animation. Linear Section, animation stops tight.

Make perfect loop processing before export BVH.

don't overwrite file, because original key frame is lost with this process.
1, increase total frames 90 to 300(x3), Frame : [0] of [300]
2, copy frame, frame-3 to 90 select all joints (Ctrl+C)
3, frame-90 select all joints and paste data (Ctrl+V)
4, data pasted frame-90 to 178, select frame-178 and paste data (Ctrl+V)
5, loop animation made in frame-90 to 178, use resample and build key frame.

top menu [Animation] Resample Key Frames, open dialog
(1) Make key frame every [1] frames
(2) Frame Range : [90] to [178] and click button [OK]

7, select all joints in frame-90 to 178, click button (Linear Section)
8, drag selected range (frame-90 to 178) and move to frame-2
9, change total frame, Frame: [0] of [89] and export BVH.
10, upload window, checked Loop, LoopIn 1.75/89x100% = 1.966%, upload.

copy range repeating, arrange three ranges. perfect subframe is made in middle range. make key frame and fix range, not need frame-2 and move range there. remove one frame.. when make loop animation, add one frame to total frame. this repetition has two same frames, first frame is same as last frame. that animation stops for instant. remove that part with LoopIn, 1.75(skip)/n(total frame)x100%=1.966%. if remove first frame or last frame, it's right way on poser. but animation structure fails on second life. two same frames which are not compressed create perfect loop.